Our extensive database contains more than 80% of non-limited businesses trading in the UK
Our business names database provides insights into over 1.6 million non-limited businesses operating in the UK (for incorporated companies, try our company search). Where available, this database will provide key information on businesses operating in the UK such as trading addresses and contact numbers, website information and email addresses, date established and duration of trading activity, financial health ratings to help you understand business capabilities, as well as insights into detrimental data and ownership structures.
Our database contains information on over 80% of businesses operating in the UK and is regularly maintained. Where the information in our business names database is insufficient for your purposes those details can be updated using our customer screening reports for sole traders and partnerships within our Customer Screening Toolkit.
Confirmation of trading name
Suggested credit limit, credit score and at a glance health rating
SIC code, legal status and number of employees
Trading address, email, telephone and website
Any high court writs or CCJs
Proprietor or significant person
A limited company is also known as 'registered'. This means that the company is registered with Companies House in the UK. Companies House is a UK government service which is responsible for incorporating and dissolving UK companies. The limited is short for 'limited liability' and essentially means that if that company goes bankrupt, liability does not extend to company directors and shareholders. Being registered requires a firm to file certain information at specific times to Companies House. This includes annual and quarterly filed accounts and detailed financials (to determine VAT payments), persons of significant control and shareholder structures, trading, and registered addresses. All information about a limited company is available publicly.
A non-limited company is not registered with Companies House and is often a sole trader or a partnership. They are classed as 'unlimited liability' which means that any financial challenges that the business encounters are the responsibility of the business owner.
Unlike a registered business, a non-registered business does not have to file any accounts with Companies House which can mean securing accurate information on the business can be more of a challenge. Since the abolition of The Register of Business Names in 1981, there has been no central resource that captures UK unregistered business information. This means that a centrally held record of all non-VAT registered businesses is a rarity.
Here at identeco we understand the importance of executing background checks on a non-registered business to understand its financial stability to avoid any unnecessary risks when entering into a relationship with them. Our business names search database catalogues over 1.6 million businesses - that's over 80% of the UK's non-registered businesses that operate in the UK and are not registered with Companies House.
identeco subscribers can search any business and select the specific business from the results, and much like our registered company reporting, users can view business details, including legal status, trading address, SIC codes, a financial health rating which will provide a credit rating and suggested credit limit, as well as details of any detrimental data that may be present and name of the owner or person with significant control.
Where available, our business names database will also provide further insights such as contact numbers, website information and email addresses, date established and duration of trading activity.