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Ways to grow your business

Focus on Customer Service

Perhaps more important than winning new customers, is retaining existing ones. It’s not just price than wins at the end of the day; Customers are more likely to return if they experience a great service. Providing excellent customer service will generate the most positive marketing tool there is: word of mouth. Positive recommendations and reviews are the number one way to attract new customers.


Whilst we appreciate that exhibitions and networking events are on hold for the time being, there are many online channels in which you can meet prospects. For B2B businesses, local networking groups or Chamber of Commerce branches have been holding virtual events which can be attended via Zoom or Google Hangouts. For B2C, use features such as Facebook and Instagram Live to showcase new products or launch new services.

Offer a Free Trial

Free trials are a proven way to develop relationships with new customers and pull them into your sales funnel.  This could be a trial of a service or a small sample. Perhaps a free trial of your product isn’t viable so consider an alternative. Advice and tips are always beneficial to other businesses. What you need is something to attract attention and draw your customer in.

Provide discounts and promotions

In addition to free trials, attract customers by offering rewards such as bulk or repeat order discounts. You can also make sure that your business stands out in a crowded market by offering a discount code via your website, digital marketing or social media.

Have a great website

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again – your website is your shop window and should be refreshed often. It does not need to be complex, but it is a great way to communicate offers, product updates and industry news to your audience. Keep it up to date. If you need help here, visit who can build a website to your brief, budget and timescale.

Start a conversation with your customers

It’s no longer enough to talk at your audience. A great brand will start a conversation with them. Social media channels are a great way to do this. Ask questions and respond to all queries (but don’t engage with trolling) and be present. If you are an e-commerce brand, you will maximise impulse buys here. If social media isn’t for you, consider a live chat facility.

Use online marketing

There is no time like the present to invest in online marketing. During the pandemic, people are spending more and more time online. Considerations could be Google AdWords, social media advertising or email campaigns. For emails campaigns, there are many broadcast platforms available – MailChimp is basic but easy to use, Activ Campaign is another good one. Most of them have a free, basic option so have a play around. And if you need a marketing list for your new prospects or want to understand how accurate your data is then remember, these features are included in an identeco  Business Support Toolkit subscription.

Understand your market

Have you ever undertaken any market research? Do you know who the big players in your industry are and why they are so successful. It’s worth investing some time into market research. This could include focus groups to understand the behaviours of your target audience or it could be a full marketing report to help you understand your competitors. For more information, click here

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